The most exciting movie to watch, The Town movie follows the story of a bank robbery genius that falls to bank manager woman. Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) is an unrepentant criminal, the de facto leader of a group of ruthless bank robbers who pride themselves in stealing what they want and getting out clean. In the Town movie, there's no real attachments, Doug never has to fear losing anyone close to him. But that all changed on the gang's latest job, when they briefly took a hostage--bank manager, Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall). Though they let her go unharmed, Claire is nervously aware that the robbers know her name...and where she lives. But she lets her guard down when she meets an unassuming and rather charming man named Doug...not realizing that he is the same man who only days earlier had terrorized her. The instant attraction between them gradually turns into a passionate romance that threatens to take them both down a dangerous, and potentially deadly, path. Watch this movie in theater or Watch The Town Full Movie Online Free Streaming.

Release Date: September 17, 2010
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Director: Ben Affleck
Screenwriter: Ben Affleck, Peter Craig, Aaron Stockard
Starring: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Blake Lively, Pete Postlethwaite, Chris Cooper
Genre: Crime, Drama
MPAA Rating: R (for strong violence, pervasive language, some sexuality and drug use)
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1 Comment
  1. Ben Affleck is now a writer and director of this movie. I will watch this.

    Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:22 AM


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