The I Do movie is a 2010 Filipino romantic-comedy film produced and released by Star Cinema. The film is set to premiere on September 29, 2010 nationwide. The official theme song of this movie "I Do" (2010) is titled Kahit Habang Buhay, which is sang by Yeng Constantino and Sam Milby. The I Do movie tells about the two young teens who in loved with each other but their family is against to what they wanted to happen. They will going to get married but there's always conflicts with their family until they both decided to fight their relationship and love for the shake of their future. See what happen to the story and watch I Do (2010) movie this year.
Starring/Cast and Characters:
Erich Gonzales as Mayumi "Yumi" Punongbayan
Enchong Dee as Lance Tan
Melai Cantiveros
Dennis Padilla
Janus Del Prado
Nash Aguas
Jun Urbano
Ricardo Cepeda
Isay Alvarez
Eliza Pineda
Alwyn Uytingco
Jane Oineza
Allyson Lualhati
Che Ramos
Joyce So
Watch I Do (2010) Full Movie Stream Online Free
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Ang galing ng movie na to. da best.hehheee
Posted on October 2, 2010 at 5:38 PM
I will watch this movie.I think its great movie.
Posted on October 2, 2010 at 5:39 PM
Just watch Till my heartaches end movie online free link here.
Posted on October 18, 2010 at 6:57 AM