The Centurion movie begins in ancient Scotland, a Roman officer named Quintus Dias (Michael Fassbender) is liberated from his Pictish captors by the Ninth Legion. The soldiers are in pursuit of the Picts' leader, and Quintus joins their quest. Soon after, the Romans' Pictish guide betrays them, resulting in the slaughter of all but a handful of men. Quintus and his fellow survivors try desperately to reach safety as enemy warriors pick them off one by one.
Watch Centurion Full Movie Online Free Streaming. The Centurion movie tells about a Roman soldier (Michael Fassbender) and his small band of fellow survivors try desperately to find a safe haven as their relentless Pictish pursuers pick them off one by one.
Release Date: August 27, 2010 (limited)
Studio: Magnet Releasing (Magnolia Pictures)
Director: Neil Marshall
Screenwriter: Neil Marshall
Starring: Michael Fassbender, Dominic West, Olga Kurylenko, David Morrissey, Noel Clarke, Riz Ahmed, JJ Field, Liam Cunningham, Imogen Poots
Genre: Thriller
MPAA Rating: R (for sequences of strong bloody violence, grisly images and language)
Watch Centurion Full Movie Online Free Streaming
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